The first day of Online Roundtable A involved a series of tasks (or games) for the research team that helped to get to know each other. The RE-FUSE team consists of Tzeni Argyriou (GR) – choreographer, Argyro Chioti (GR) – stage director, Thanasis Deligiannis (GR/NL) – composer, George Dumitriu (RO/NL) – violinist & violist, Pepe García (MX/NL) – percussionist, Richard Haynes (AU/CH) – clarinetist, Kieran Klaassen (NL/US) – network programmer, Els Mondelaers (BE/NL) - singer, Roelof Pothuis (NL) – set designer & lighting designer, Efthimis Theou (GR/DE) - actor, Bas Wiegers (NL) - conductor.
Here is a brief structure of the roundtable, including selected fragments of its content:
INTRO #1: Live video of Thanasis (short welcome) and Kieran (short technical explanation)
what is your full name?
Tzeni (Polyxeni) Argyriou
where are you right now (city and actual space)?
In my living room in Athens, Greece
what are you doing in life professionally?
choreography, performance, installations, video and in general
projects with interdisciplinary and participatory nature i am also
teaching mostly improvisation and movement experimentation workshops to non professionals, from kids to old people
what’s the project you’re working on at the moment?
It is more than one, i am researching for a new project called
Anonymous and teaching and working with the community here in athens to find ways to improve our creation process .
do you know any of the other members of the team, and how?
I know Argyro for some years, Efthimis very little and i met
Thanasis also once before today
anything else you’d like to say to the rest of the team?
I am very excited to meet you and curious to see how Re-fuse will be developed
A PHOTO of yourself (link or upload)
INTRO #2: Live video of Thanasis (context and goals of platform)
STALK each other on the internet and share with the team your findings (4')
CHAT in random pairs in different chat rooms (3’)
VIDEOS of the team at work:
elsamondelaers [4:44 AM]
this was fun!!!
tzeniargyriou [4:44 AM]
kieran [4:44 AM]
I’m getting back to bed
roepot [4:44 AM]
sleep well
pepe25garcia [4:44 AM]
hahaha, yes it was very nice
gix [4:44 AM]
didn't get to meet everyone in person, but next time!
kieran [4:44 AM]
Looking forward to tomorrow
baswiegers [4:44 AM]
worked pretty well! bit stressful with all the windows and info. I
hope we can read it all a bit slower later. :wink:
kieran [4:44 AM]
tzeniargyriou [4:45 AM]
great ! See you all tomorrow!
argyro [4:45 AM]
see you all tomorrow
baswiegers [4:45 AM]
sleep well Kieran. And have a good day everybody. I ́m going to enjoy the sun.
kieran [4:45 AM]
See you all!
roepot [4:45 AM]
pepe25garcia [4:45 AM]
thanasis [4:45 AM]
See you all tomorrow!
efthimis80 [4:45 AM]
bye guys it was nice!
gix [4:45 AM]
great day everyone!!!
elsamondelaers [4:45 AM]
See you tomorrow!!!
richardehaynes [4:45 AM]
Thanks everyone, see you tomorrow!